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Partner Resources

The following are people we work with who are extraordinary. When a client needs communications services that will take more resources or additional expertise to complete, we will go to our Partner Resources who are highly talented:

  • Analyzers

  • Listeners

  • Problem solvers

  • Facilitators

The bottom line is these partners care about the people they work with and do what they say they will do, when they say they will do it!

Liz Lanza, Outlook Communications
Provides a full range of communications skills training, including presentation skills, selling skills, speech coaching as well as media skills development.

Hilary Pearl, Pearl Associates
Improves performance through practical, business-focused human resources consulting and leadership development by working with both individuals and organizations.

Randy Hall, 4th Gear Consulting
Helps you build and align your strategy and culture so they work together to grow your business. Consulting, coaching & training are the tools used.